Hillary Clinton Bias

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Yet another presidential race is afoot. Ever news channel is fraught with the latest drama and social media with the most opinionated people conceivable. Mudslinging rears its ugly head, yet again, and obnoxious, one-liner bumper stickers are everywhere. It is to no surprise some find the election disturbing with all the nonsense that runs about, but there was recently a video that tops them all. A video that has been going around has depicted Hillary Clinton at her worst and concludes that she is a liar and a deceiver, but is this actually the case? A closer look might render a better insight. After observing the video, the conflict between Clinton and the media reveals both of their faults while leading to a possible solution. The video that has been going around social media shows how Clinton has changed her mind on a variety of issues. This video systematically presents these issues by first showing a clip or two of Clinton affirming one view and then immediately showing a clip of her affirming the exact opposite. Some of the segments in the video are of someone accusing Clinton on lying, but, for the majority of the video, the clips are primarily just her stating …show more content…

One of the segments in the video is between Clinton and a talk show hostess. The talk show hostess tries to get Clinton to admit she changed her mind on same-sex marriage, but Clinton is reluctant to do so because, as she says, the hostess was really trying to manipulate her words. Clinton is right. If she were to admit she changed her mind, the media would invariably accuse her of fabricating her views to earn votes. This is pathetic. Isn’t open-mindedness something Americans value? Can’t someone change their mind because they realized they were wrong? The media is in the wrong, but Clinton isn’t exactly off the hook; she lied to the public. So, what is the answer to all of

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