Hillary Clinton Women's Rights Are Human Rights Analysis

1983 Words4 Pages

During her early life, Hillary Clinton learned that a huge problem across the globe was gender inequality. Women and men were not equal. Men were making more money than women for the same jobs. She believed she could change this. On September 5, 1995 Hillary Clinton gave a speech at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. Clinton uses powerful rhetoric in order to create an air of sympathy for women among her audience. She is hoping to make the world become more aware of the inequalities women face daily while also making them feel ashamed for their previous actions of discriminating women, which would cause them to change their ways. She uses her speech “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” to create awareness of the discrimination …show more content…

Some people believe her values are “a result of having lived through the depression” (Harris 673). She has seen the worst and hopes to make things better for her people. As a child, Clinton was “earning merit badges in girl scouts and starring in the girls softball league” (Harris 674). She has always believed women were smart and strong. Earning badges and playing sports might not seem like much, but it taught a young Clinton that women can do anything they set their mind to. Clinton went off to college and met her husband Bill Clinton there. As the couple got older, Bill decided he wanted to run for president. Hillary “went to Indiana to coordinate the campaign” (Harris 678) for Bill. From the start to the end of Bill’s presidency, Hillary was “extremely active in government affairs” (Hurley 204). She “[emphasized] the need for a global feminist agenda” (Hurley 204-205). Even though Bill was the president, Hillary applied herself as if she were the president. She encouraged equality for genders. Her speech “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights” was given right in the middle of Bill’s presidency. She used her economic power to create awareness of the gender inequality in the

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