High Quality Relationships

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After reading “Creating a High Quality Relationship” It helped me understand the process there is when creating a loving relationship. Loving relationships do not just happen or are not found, they are built. I also do agree when in the article mentions that couples assume that all they need in a relationship is love, and that is not true. A relationship needs communication both partners need to be on the same page as far as what they both want. I also agree with the guidelines provided to help create a successful relationship. The first one to me is very true, in order to be able to love and care for someone else you must love and care for yourself. Being able to take care of yourself before taking care of anyone else is important. Making …show more content…

With my past relationships, they were all about “love” or what I thought was love and they never really got very far because we thought that that’s all you need to keep a relationship, we never really communicated like we needed to and never thought about the future we always thought about what was happening in that moment. We were never really clear on what was the greater purpose in our relationship. However before my getting into my current relationship I gave myself some time to figure out who I was and really learn to love my self and learn what I had to offer in a relationship and to my partner. In my current relationship, we both communicate well, and we both know what we want for our future. We both know what we want to accomplish in our relationship. We have more than love to offer. We both have the goal of buying a home in the outsides of town where we can have horses, cows, bulls and other farm animals. A place where kids can grow up and be able to play freely. A place full of peace and quiet away from the city. With my current relationship I realized how important it is to be able to communicate and have the same goals for the future, it helps work towards something both partners

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