Herpes Simplex Research Papers

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Herpes occurs in two types, the non-genital herpes simplex 1 (HSV1) and herpes simplex 2 (HSV2). Both the strains are severely contagious and can be transmitted by means of lovemaking exposure or orally even when there are no hints of the condition. The herpes virus is not curable, but treatable. Recognizing herpes simplex virus earlier is key point to prevent transmitting the infection. There are some kind of simple ways you can learn the signs and symptoms of a herpes virus infection in yourself and in other people.

Be alert of clues like fever, stress and fatigue, headache and common malaise, because these can be hints that you are going to get a herpes simplex virus outbreak. You may also feel achy muscles and swelling in the groin or some other parts where a herpes simplex virus blister is forming.

Consider if you detect a pain sensation on your genital part, bottoms, inner thighs,or around the oral cavity. Herpes virus will initially create a throbbing and tingly sensation. Base on the University of Maryland, the earliest herpes simplex virus symptoms will possibly appear during two weeks of exposure.

Identify redness or irritation if you get an itchiness in or around the genitals or mouth. After the spot begins to …show more content…

Studies have shown that it speeds healing process, reduces pain on contact, and if used before lesions form can prevent an outbreak entirely. The ingredients in Fix-it inactivate and destroy the herpes virus during all stages of Herpes virus replication - before, during, or after the virus has caused lesions. So it is effective for use even after an outbreak has occur. The popular drugs against herpes are effective only if used before herpes lesions occur, and then only moderately effective. Fix-it is the most powerful anti-herpes treatment available, and more effective than other herpes medications on the

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