Herpes Simplex Research Paper

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What is “Burning Mouth” Syndrome?
Many people are affected by a syndrome known as “Burning Mouth”. The syndrome causes a burning sensation in the mouth that can affect the tongue, lips, gums, throat and palate. Sometimes the sensation is noted as a tingling or scalded sensation. It can also cause dry mouth or an altered or metallic taste in the mouth. The pain can start suddenly, and last for months or even years, causing constant pain every day.
When patients seek medical help for this condition, their doctor often cannot find a cause. There is no specific test that doctors routinely use to diagnose this condition.
There was a recent case in the news where a healthy 65 year old woman had burning mouth syndrome and reported her symptoms to her doctor and dentist, who were both …show more content…

Once she began treatment with an anti-viral, her symptoms finally subsided and she has not had a recurrence of burning mouth.
What you can do about burning mouth syndrome

This case reveals how many people are infected with the herpes simplex virus without knowing it, and how it can affect you in unusual ways. If the patient had been aware she was infected, if she had had a prior outbreak, perhaps the doctors may have been able to resolve her condition much sooner. But herpes simplex can be a “silent” virus, invading your body with no symptoms until low immunity, hormonal changes or stress activate the virus and cause symptoms. Unfortunately, doctors do not think to test for the herpes virus for this syndrome unless the patient has an active outbreak or history of herpes.
The facial nerves that the herpes simplex virus affects can cause many different symptoms, and as proven by this case, you can have herpes activate, even the first time, in an unusual manner such as burning mouth, instead of the typical cold sores.
If you suffer from burning mouth syndrome, an anti-viral may give you the relief you

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