Herbert Simon's Joint Decision Model

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First of all, Herbert Simon is the Nobel prize winner who created three important stages in decision making: intelligence, design, and choice. He argues that the decision making can be considered as a type of problem solving. The first stage, the intelligence, people collect information about the problem from the surrounding environment. Then, people decide on the criteria of making decision. Finally, people apply that criteria to choose one of those alternative solutions. JESIP had created the Joint Decision Model in order to bring all of the available information, reconcile potentially differing priorities, and make effective decisions. The most important thing of the Joint Decision Model is to gather and assess information and intelligence. The responders should work with the commanders to build …show more content…

Briefly describe the characteristics associated with each of the 6 personality and work environment types identified by John Holland. 1. Realistic: Individual who likes to work with animals, tools, and machines—who avoids social activities. These individuals work best with machines rather than humans. 2. Investigate: Individual who is good at problem solving, sciences, and mathematics. These individuals are lack of leadership skills, which make them suitable for lab technician, biologist, and research scientists. 3. Artistic: Artistic people have high imagination and creativity; they have high writing, musical, and artistic abilities. They tend to see themselves as expressive, original, and independent. 4. Social: Social people are opposite to the realistic people. They like to work with the others and avoid working with machines, tools, or animals. They are good at teaching, counselling, or giving information. They view themselves as helpful, friendly, and trustworthy. 5. Enterprising: they like to lead and persuade others. They tend to avoid activities which require careful observation or analytical thinking. They see values in political and business

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