ENTP Personality Types

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According to the website 16Personailties my personality type is ENTP. They refer to this personality type as “The Debater”. 16Personalities states, “The ENTP personality type is the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see”. I also took a separate personality test from a website called PsychCentral. The way they organized their personality types is scoring each person on the Big 5 traits. These 5 traits are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experiences. In this test I scored high in extraversion, a moderate score in agreeableness, a moderate score in conscientious, very low in emotional stability, …show more content…

People who share the ENTP personality type are extraverted and intuitive. Some strengths that follow this personality type is being a quick thinker, charismatic, and good at brainstorming. Some of the weaknesses include being argumentative, intolerant, and they can find it difficult to focus. For the most part I do agree with everything being said. As a maturing young adult I am always trying to improve my weaknesses in my personality. I do tend to be intolerant when it comes to ignorance. If someone is taking the time to talk about a topic in which they have no knowledge or have done no research I quickly write them off and dismiss what they say. I am learning this a bigger issue in my life than I thought as in college I am put in to many group work assignments. When someone in my group does not participate or does not think about what they are saying my first reaction is to get frustrated with the individual. I try to take a deep breath and use this as an opportunity to grow. I will question what they are saying in a kind way, and present evidence and inform them. I have found that people like me better when I’m less argumentative. When searching for information on a potential career path 16personalities says that I could enter the field of entrepreneurship, which is nice because I am a business …show more content…

They had in-depth information about personality type ENTP. Truity refers to this personality type as the “The Visionary”. They stated, “The Visionary relies on their ingenuity to deal with the world around them, and rarely finds preparation necessary. They will often jump into a new situation and trust themselves to adapt as they go”. I couldn’t agree more with this statement. I am constantly trying to solve problems for other people, even if I have no experience or preparation I am confident in my ability to at least look at the situation in a different way.” The ENTP is characteristically entrepreneurial and may be quick to share a new business idea or invention” , stated Truity. I also agree with this statement. Even before I was a business major I was creating business and coming with up with ideas and telling them to my parents. Over all I think this article gives a very detailed and accurate representation of the ENTP

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