Gallup Strength Finder Assessment Essay

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I was excited to take the Gallup Strengths Finder assessment. Although I am more reserved and shy, I typically find myself placed in leadership positions. I am always surprised when people refer to me as a leader but family members and close friends have made me more aware of this personality characteristic. I really enjoyed taking the Gallup Strength Finder assessment and I can see why this would be an assessment growing in popularity across the globe. When I finished the assessment, my results showed that my strengths, from first to last, are developer, empathy, input, connectedness, and restorative. I was excited to learn more about each of these strengths and what they meant. The developer strength states that this is a personality characteristic …show more content…

I feel like this is an accurate assessment of my personality and I think this is a characteristic that will be beneficial to me when I am in the counseling profession. This is a characteristic that I relate to counselors and advocating for clients. Empathy was listed as my second strength. Empathy means being able to sense or feel other’s feelings and being able to imagine yourself in another person’s situation. I know that this will be beneficial for me as a counselor because empathy is one of the most crucial characteristics for the therapeutic relationship. Input is my third strength. This means that I am inquisitive, naturally curious, and seek information about many things. I think this is helpful for me as a counselor because we are expected to be life-long learners and actively continue our education. Connectedness was my fourth strength and it means that people who have this strength believe that all people are connected and that we are responsible for others. It also …show more content…

This was also referred to as The Advocate which I thought was very appropriate for our assingment. The results state that The Advocate has a strong sense of morality, likes finding solutions for others and one of the strengths listed was that this personality type makes excellent counselors. This type is known for seeing through manipulation and dishonesty and getting to the heart of matters with truth and sincerity. I can see that all of these personality traits are crucial for helping others and dealing with the conflict that arises when advocating for those who are oppressed and face discrimination. Some of the weaknesses stated for this personality type are perfectionist, impatient, extremely private, sensitive, and burn out easily. As I read the weaknesses, I realized that I need to keep self care a priority throughout my education and future career. It also makes sense that a lot of my self care practices are about introspection and finding balance. I think that this assessment was very accurate of my personality and I enjoyed reading about The Advocate personality

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