Henry David Thoreau's Accomplishments

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Henry David Thoreau was born David Henry Thoreau on July 12, 1817, Concord, Massachusetts. He had three siblings, John, Helen, and a younger sister, Sophia. His mother, Cynthia Dunbar, rented parts of their home, and his father, John, operated a local pencil factory. As a very smart and promising student, he went to Harvard College (Bio). In order to help pay for his tuition, his older brother John taught school while he was there (HDT). At one point, he took a break from college since it seemed to disinterest him, to teach in Canton, Massachusetts. His brother John died from tetanus while they were running a grammar school in Concord, the Concord Academy (Life and Legacy). Louisa May Alcott was one of their students (Schmoop). After closing the school, he went to his father’s pencil factory and worked there until a neighbor, Ralph Waldo Emerson, invited him to work as a live-in handyman (Life and Legacy). During his time with Emerson, he became exposed to Transcendentalism (Bio). As the American version of Romantic Idealism, Thoreau learned that it was a view of the world as two separate divisions, the material, and the spiritual. Also, he developed the ambition to become a writer, and with the help of Emerson and the The Dial, the …show more content…

Emerson allows Thoreau to use a piece of his land, but Thoreau takes it upon himself to construct a small house from a chicken coop and some building supplies (Life and Legacy). While there, he started to seek a more simple life, and began working one day, and devoting the other six to thinking and writing (Bio). After moving from his cabin to the Emerson’s house to babysit, Thoreau was imprisoned for a brief time after refusing to pay a poll tax (HDT). This event led to the publication of his essay, Civil Disobedience (Life and Legacy). Slavery in Massachusetts was an abolitionist lecture of his that showed his support for John Brown

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