Civil Disobedience

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Henry David Thoreau, a philosopher and creative artist as well as an anti slavery activist, wrote his short story “From Resistance to Civil Disobedience”. In this story he’s arrested for not paying his state taxes. At the time the state was engaged in the Mexican-American War that was not only fought over boundaries expanding slavery but was also enacted by President Polk under his own decision. Thoreau thought the war was too aggressive and without just reason. In this short story Thoreau plays the protagonist as well as a pacifist. He continually reiterates his beliefs of law and conscience. Thoreau believes we have a conscience to determine right and wrong and views the government, at a state level at least, as useless. He gives the reader several examples of things the government does that would be against most conscious decisions. Such as: The listing of accomplishments the “government” made possible, included in this list is the repetition of the word “It” referring to the government. “It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the West. It does not educate. The character inherent in the American people has done all that has been accomplished”(221). Insisting that the American people have brought on these accomplishments appeals to the feeling of patriotism in the reader, who is more than likely American. Going back to the Mexican-American War, Thoreau said “The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before people can act through it. Witness the present Mexican war, the work of comparatively a few individuals using the government as their tool”(221). This quote from his short story appeals to the readers emotion... ... middle of paper ... ...there. The purpose of this short story was to inform uneducated citizens of his opinion on the state and give a bit of reason behind it, its also meant to criticize the government and social policies like slavery. Thoreau induces emotion among readers and forces them to think logically about his way of life and what he’s suggesting. Overall Thoreau wrote the paper to justify his stand and explain his way of thinking. Works Cited Anderson, Robert, John Brinnin, John Leggett, Gary Arpin, and Susan Toth. “ The American Renaissance” Five Major Writers.” Elements of Literature”- fifth ed. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Wineston: 1989. Print. Works Cited Anderson, Robert, John Brinnin, John Leggett, Gary Arpin, and Susan Toth. “ The American Renaissance” Five Major Writers.” Elements of Literature”- fifth ed. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Wineston: 1989. Print.

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