Hellenistic Geography

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There are 7 continents that divide the world right now: Asia, Africa, North and South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. From the supercontinent Pangaea, Asia became a continent when the supercontinent began to move and break. However, the movement of the plates were gradual, thus, different illustration of the continents have evolved through time. The cartography of Asia started with the Babylon in the 6th century BC. Based on the Greek geographers, Europe, Asia and Africa come together in one continental shelf, forming the largest landmasses. Through Ptolemy’s world map, Asia was tackled more in the Hellenistic geography. Then the cartography of Indi and China followed. Muslim geography had even contributed in giving Asia a better resolution. It was Mahmud al-Kashgari who created the first world map drawn in the Central Asian’s …show more content…

Westerners continued to explore other parts of Asia, thus calling the wlole landmass as Asia and Anatolia as Asia Minor. But others also believed that the word Asia was used to describe the Persian war to the Persian Empire. Although, some Greeks also claimed that Asia was derived from one of the three women’s names, due to the assumption that Asia was named after the wife of Prometheus. In contrast, the Lydians say it was named after Asias. Hypothetically, the Greek term was derived from Assuwa, due to the 14th century BC confederation of states in the Western Anatolia. But surprisingly, the most accepted etymology of the term is that it originated from the Akkadian word aṣû, meaning “to go outside” or “to ascend”, referring to the rising of the sun in the Middle East. And the Phoenician word asa also meant east. Due to the interest of the Greek of the Aegean Sea, the core of continental system, they saw that Asia describes the land to the

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