Helen Keller

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Helen Keller was born with the ability to hear and see, but at only nineteen months old, she contracted an illness that took that all away. She went on with her life and was a very successful woman; in fact, she became the first ever deaf and blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. This strong woman once said, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” This statement is very true in so many different ways. If you look around in today’s society you will see many celebrities and role models, all of whom the public look up to, who have gone through a trying experience at least one time in their lives. Both Oprah Winfrey and Robert Downey, Jr. are great examples of individuals who suffered through many trials and tribulations only to come out as stronger individuals.
Oprah Winfrey one of the most influential and inspiring people of the 21st century, started off with almost nothing. She was born to a single teenage mom who was dirt poor, and did not want ...

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