Heartbreak Monologue

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Heartbreak-that horrible, absolutely horrible feeling. The feeling of your stomach turning, you cannot eat, sleep, or function normally. You are going through the motions of this life, praying, hoping, that one day you wake up and it just goes away. The hardest part of this feeling is accepting that it does not just magically disappear. So unfortunate but true. In the midst of this heartbreak, you are probably wishing you never had to go through this pain. The thing to remember is, no, you did not deserve this pain but you cannot let the pain consume you. Heartbreak can happen from any event in your life, not just a bad breakup. Through the darkness you find the strength you always needed. The darkness will only completely consume your life if you let it. …show more content…

She knows absolutely nothing. She does not know the pain or struggle I face on my day to day life, why is she trying to give me advice? Well, to answer your questions, I do not know the pain or struggles you are personally handling but know what it is like to struggle and have heartbreak myself. Throughout life, I have had many heartbreaks and times where it consumed all of me. The heartbreak literally took everything I had. I could not eat, sleep, or function normally. It took all of my emotional and mental energy. Eventually, I learned that it was time to give it all to God. I laid down all of my pains, heartbreak, and worries at the foot of the cross and asked God for forgiveness for the sins I have committed while going through the heartbreak and give guidance when the heartbreak starts consuming my

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