Healthy Body Weight Essay

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There are many benefits of maintaining a healthy body as well as a healthy body weight. This not only benefits the quality of life, but the quantity of life. having an unhealthy body weight can affect a person physically and emotionally and can be avoided or lowered. Diseases such as obesity can take an emotional toll one not just the individual but their family as well and can also be documented. One of the ways maintaining a healthy body weight is the relief of discomfort. When carrying extra weight around, an individual is less likely to be active or mobile. Losing a good percent of body weight can actually help to lessen different types of aches and pains associated with inactivity. Extra weight causes pressure on the joints, bones, and muscles which makes causes them have to work harder than the average person. The less weight one has on different parts of the body, the better chance of the body being able to work and move more efficiently. One of the most important benefits of maintaining a healthy body weight is having a healthier heart. The more a person weighs, the harder ...

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