Hazing In Colleges

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Hazing is the imposition of strenuous, often humiliating, tasks as part of a program of rigorous physical training and initiation. If you want to a university or college and you was so excited join a club or fraternities have go through hazing join, to me it sound stupid to prove yourself join to a club or fraternities just to injury yourself in the progress, what the point of hazing if you are harm yourself. For example, if you saw the movie Brotherhood, it is about college students that have robbed a liquor store for fraternities as part of they hazing until one of them rob the wrong liquid store and shot in the shoulder by store clerk, then the fraternities try cover they track for the liquid store robbery and they try keep the wounded college student alive until they find a way to get him to the hospital, in the end fraternities member are charged with attempted robbery of each liquid store they rob that night and one member is charged with murder of innocence college student who put in trunk of a car after go through with one of the fraternities hazing and died of lack of air due to hour he spent in the trunk. College hazing should be banned in every college or …show more content…

Hazing in college are dangerous in the state probably half of people in college have go through hazing join to prove you are good enough be in they fraternities or club, college freshman should be aware of hazing in college not only is stupid but can cause a death or injury of innocent person who have take part of hazing in college, I probably never go through hazing just join a fraternities or club or I probably end up either dead or laying up in hospital I refuse to become follower than a leader like the old say two bird flock together, if the whole world brought by hazing that probably mean you have through hazing for everything from meet friend to get a job, the world probably been screwed up to my opinion but I can't say that about our world but I don't believe this whole hazing

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