Harry Houdini: The Master of Escape

857 Words2 Pages

Kevin Qu
Harry Houdini Research
06 January 2018
Harry Houdini Harry Houdini was a stage performer, and stunt artist. But he was remembered for his memorable escape acts. Houdini was born in Budapest, Hungary. His real name was Ehrich Weiss. Harry was born on March 24, 1874, but he always sad he was born on April 6th, because that is what his mother seemingly told him. Most amazingly, though, he even sometimes said he was born in America, depending on which reporter he was talking to! Harry was born a Jew. Harry set off for America in 1876, not knowing any English at all! He arrived there in a prolonged extent of time to raise enough money- 2 years! And Harry hated traveling by boat! He arrived in the big city of New York. Unfortunately for
He added an i to the end of his hero’s last name- the famous French magician Robert Houdin. By age 20, Harry had executed several small acts across New York City. He married Wilhelmina Beatrice Rahner, better known as Bess Houdini. Then he joined a circus. Through the years, he gained fame from escaping from policemen’s handcuffs and cells, and later straightjackets and coffins. He also expanded his already-large fame by performing his famous Milk Can Escape, Buried Alive stunt, Water torture cell ( or Houdini Upside-Down) and more. Then, after Wilber and Orville Wright’s famous flight, Houdini decided he also wanted to be a “first” to do something. So he saw this as a perfect opportunity to do so. There was first to fly in America, Germany, and so on. But one place hadn’t had a first yet- Australia. So Houdini and Bess, and their dog Charlie took the long boat ride to Australia. Upon getting there, the weather wasn’t that good for a few days, so he had to cancel his flights. But on March 18th, 1910, he made the record as first person to fly in Australia.
In the future, Houdini passed over to the film industry, making many films, as with his first one, The Master Mystery, which was really a serial- a really popular one. His onward films weren’t as popular, but Harry still got a Hollywood Star of

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