Handover Process

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Explain the importance of the user acceptance process. Introduction In this task I will talk about the importance of the user acceptance process and I will explain the why hand over process. Handover The handover process occurs when the fully functioning computer system is returned to the customer, this is very useful to the customer. If the customers or client does not accept that the work which has been completed meets the requirement for the installation satisfactorily then they will not accept the handover until any outstanding issues have been resolved. Because, it is therefore important that the installation id fully completed to the agreed requirements before attempting the handover process. Configuration to meet customer / user needs As the customer has the right to refuse to pay you if the installation doesn’t meet the agreed requirements it is important that you have configured the software to meet their needs completely. The task of configuring the software is not complicated but it must be completed and the software tested to ensure it works as expected and required. For Configuration to meet customers needs users to improve their software and it might helpful to complete the task of configuration. Also needs to ensure it work with out having any problems. Handover to the customer/user Formal handover to the customer involves not only handing over control of the computer system with new software installed. It also requires handing over installation details, technical manuals, user guidance documentation, contact details for technical and user support as well as any other materials that were used I the installation the belong to the customer. All of this information is extremely important to the customer so that they ... ... middle of paper ... ...e user while using the software applications. This could be word processor documents, spreadsheets, presentations, web pages or game save files. It is important to keep this data secure, as it could include important information such as customer details, employee payroll data or financial information. There are huge amounts of user data stored by businesses that are absolutely vital to the running of the business.it is therefore extremely important to keep a copy of this data that is currently stored on the system. It is quite easy to manually copy the user data on your hard disk to another location using the document explorer. However, this can also be time consuming as well as risky, as you could easily miss some files. There are a huge number of applications designed to automate this process such as the backup and restore program of the windows operating system.

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