Mcafee Intel Security Case Study

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McAfee Intel Security We as a company have a responsibility to protect not only ourselves but also our clients information. This recent hack as interrupted our business relationship with clients and partners. I think that it is time for us to change our strategy on how we protect customers. McAfee being a company that has been around for years and shares the same values as us, it makes perfect sense for us to choose them to represent not only our company but protect it. McAfee has five unique principles they would like to help other business get to and achieve. These principles of conduct are: ✓ Conduct business with honesty and integrity ✓ Follow the letter and spirit of the law ✓ Treat each other fairly ✓ Act in the best interests of McAfee and avoid conflicts of interest ✓ Protect the company’s assets and reputation With these steps in mind, McAfee have helped businesses protect not only themselves, but the customers they provide customer service to. They also believe that as a business you should be looking out for employees, shareholders, and communities. In order to help small business McAfee had come up with a number of products, ranging in different prices and options, but McAfee Desktop Protection Endpoint Protection Advanced would be the ultimate protection for not only a small business, but an enterprise. Why we should choose McAfee Desktop Protection Endpoint Protection Advanced? Using the Desktop & Data Protection Endpoint Protection Advanced is a cost effective way to not only test drive the company to see if you like it, but you should be able to see the significant difference in using them, instead of another company. With this program we will be able to protect our client’s information, and company da... ... middle of paper ... ...offer tangible benefits. ✓ Integrity: We’re in the business of protecting data from the unscrupulous, performing to the highest standards of ethics and responsibility. ✓ Results: We have definitive goals with definitive outcomes, always striving for higher performance and never losing focus. ✓ Courage: Being always ready is a requirement for courageous leadership across our business. We’re never intimidated by the audacious challenges we face every day. The company has been around for a longtime, and continues to innovate and provide outstanding protection against identity theft, and employment theft. They protect Fortune 500 companies year after year, so handling a small business will be no problem, and with the high standards at McAfee, the business will thrive, and the consumers can feel like they are protected no matter what goes on in and around the company.

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