Hamsters Should Be Allowed In Dog Shops

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Hamsters are often popular pets as they are readily available in pet shops. They have a short life span of two to three years and Syrian and Golden hamster will grow to roughly 6 inches in length. Dwarf hamsters are a little smaller, perhaps four inches long and live for approximately two years. Hamster usually fare best when living alone, those kept in groups or pairs may fight and end up needing to be separated. If hamsters are handled when they are young, it will help them get used to human interaction and help them become tame. Those that aren't handled much when young may be aggressive or fearful when picked up. It is useful to make sure a hamster is comfortable being picked up etc, as they will need to be handled often as a matter of course i.e. placing them in a exercise ball to clean the cage. Hamster are nocturnal, so most active at night and asleep during the day. To this end they probably won't be the best choice for a child's pet as when the hamster is at it's most active the child will most likely be fast asleep.

Hamster cages and toys …show more content…

There are plenty of cages designed specifically for each rodent , but in general they need to be glass or metal as plastic can be chewed through. They also need a secure lid with ventilation holes, or a mesh lid. All will need time outside their cage to exercise e.g. hamsters will happily roam around a room in exercise balls. It is best not to let any rodent roam free around a house as they may escape, chew through wires and hurt themselves or get trapped. A good safe place to let a rodent play is the bath tub, though remember to cover the plughole! Wood shavings make a good substrate for the base of the cage, and shredded (non-inked) paper is a good bedding material. Toilet rolls provide a good place to hide and there are lots of toys available to provide stimulation. Tubes, mazes and exercise wheels will help keep your pet active when they are in the

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