Should Animals Be Allowed In The Workplace

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What is your position on this issue? Provide two or three reasons to support your argument I think pets should not even be allowed to even be in a workplace due to the fact that some people are actually terrified of dogs and bring them into a workplace can cause a lot of problems. The only reason I feel this way is because of the fact that animals can be huge a distraction to the workers and customers, they will require a lot of attention like stopping to feed them, give them water, taking them to use the bathroom. Plus, not all dogs are good dogs, you have the nice dogs and the mean dogs, how can a person do their job if you see dogs running back and forth, barking, ETC. Another reason can be that some people suffer from allergies. You really can’t bring one if you work in a fast food restaurant. I fully understand if a person that has a physical disability. If you were an HR manager of a company, what pet policy would you set and how would you implement it? If I was the human resource manager I would prefer service animal’s as because they normally are trained. I would include the policy in with the important information during the hiring process and I’ll also mention it at the beginning of the orientation, by doing it this …show more content…

The reason why I feel like it’s the right decision to make is because not all people like animals. Normally, people who don’t like animals don’t like to be around them, I know I like animals but I don’t like dogs jumping on me, and I sure don’t like having dog hair all on me and some other people may feel the same way as I do. Second, I don’t think that dogs should be allowed in the workplace because any little thing could go wrong, some dogs may not be used to being around a lot of people and which that can cause a problem or maybe can cause them to get violent or agitated around being around

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