Hamlet's Insanity

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The novel “Hamlet”, started as one of the world’s most famous plays known for the main characters’ struggle with two opposing forces and the melancholy, somber tone shown throughout it. Hamlet has been said to be one of the most complex characters seen throughout literature, being one that defies essay explanation. While trying to avenge his father’s death, Hamlet proposes that he shall fool everyone by putting on a façade of being mentally ill. As he progresses throughout the play, it is unclear whether or not it is an act or if Hamlet is truly mentally unstable making the play more attractive to the reader. Hamlet is also believed to be one of the most intelligent characters in all of literature because of his constant effort to avenge his …show more content…

He is acting one way but is feeling another; People think he is going crazy, but in all reality, he knows what he is doing and it is all part of his plan to trick everyone. Although I believe he eventually goes insane, that wasn’t his intention. In the article "Hamlet, Shakespeare's Masterpiece in Our Times", the author states, "He seems to step very easily into the role of a madman, behaving erratically and upsetting the other characters with his wild speech and pointed innuendos." Hamlet is already on the verge of mental insanity, so when he makes the vow to honor his father's name and avenge his death, it is easy for him to act in this deranged manner. He is often unable to see the world lucidly and his perception of the world is too clouded by his melancholy thoughts and constant soul searching. He states, "I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw" (2.2. 351-352). Hamlet is saying that he is mad but he often has times where he is able to see the world clearly and he knows what's what. As stated earlier, Hamlet is a very self-contradictory character which adds to his complexity. Shakespeare created the character of Hamlet as a prince which is a position that is one to protect and have control over the people, but in the end Hamlet is the one having to be watched and is feared the most. His wit and knowledge are what should lead to a victorious ending to the play, but despite his efforts, Hamlet along with his mother, girlfriend Ophelia, and uncle Claudius end up all being killed. Hamlet is seen as a complex character and can be re-analyzed in different ways each time he is studied because of his many personality

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