Halo Effect In Branding Analysis

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Halo Effect in Branding Branding is defined as “the promot[ion] of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand” (Merriam-Webster, 2015). Branding is also used to create a corporate image or brand by utilizing logos, corporate statements, and other images that will be associated with or displayed on all of that company’s products (Wolak, 2002). A brand is a valuable, enduring asset that is essential in creating and maintaining competitive advantage in an industry (Wolak, 2002; Murphy, 1988). This corporate asset can be just as important as the product or service behind it, because it carries name recognition and peace of mind to customers in the purchase decisions they make everyday (Hall, 2008). Brands essentially work as a “shorthand device” for consumers to evaluate product decisions by conveying a message of uniform quality, credibility, and experience …show more content…

The image that consumers hold of an industry as a whole can affect product evaluations indirectly, by influencing corporate brand image. Industry image accounted for sixteen percent of the variance in corporate image in one study. The researchers in this paper selected nine industries and twenty-seven brands for over three thousand interviewees to evaluate and completed a statistical analysis of the results. This analysis showed a highly significant connection between both brand images and industry images and industry image and individual brand image attributes (Burmann, Schaefer, & Maloney, 2008). Consumer’s stereotypes of a particular industry also affects how they view large companies. One study has shown that perceived images of large banks, major airlines, and large food chains are highly correlated, at least to a certain point. While respondents had a less positive view of large banks, their judgment of their own bank was more positive (Tucker,

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