Hair Salon Case Study

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What guiding principles can help hair salon businesses to improve their performance? Attract More Clients According to Chad Halvorson in Business & Trends
Oct. 16
Create promotion; Give current customers the opportunity to earn rewards for bringing in friends, family, and even strangers. They can offer discounts on services, free products, or consultations—anything to get new people in the door. Likewise, they can offer new clients discounts in order to eliminate their fear of the unknown.
Different clientele target. Offer competitive prices on haircuts that most customers go to barbers for. Divide salon in to portion were there is a portion for children because it will also help the stressed-out busy moms and dads relax a little when they come to get their hair done, and this might also boost the sales of the salon because they may end up cutting the kid’s hair as well. The only caution with this is that the kids’ area of their …show more content…

Salon clientele expect a certain level of service—a certain level of luxury—or else they’d be going to a barber or one of those places hidden inside the big box stores. They can use a higher price point to actually set yourself apart from the low-cost competition and create an air of exclusivity.
Identify a Niche and Dig In
Whether their niche is organic products, catering to busy moms who just need to get away from their kids, finding it can mean the difference between success and failure.
Ideally, they should do their market research before they ever open their doors. They should take a look at the salons that are around their potential business and what they offer. Can they spot any gaps they aren’t filling? Can they compete with exclusive offerings, top-tier services, or price point? They should make the effort to really identify what their market is missing and then do their best to fill that hole.
Invest in their

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