Guns, Germs, And Steel By Professor Diamond

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The purpose of Guns, Germs, and Steel starts with a question posed by a friend 30 years before. Professor Diamond searching to explain how certain fluctuating civilizations became dominate and how others were dominated based on a question. Diamond approaches this question by examining the conditions which caused inequalities in different societies. Ultimately Diamond questions how these inequalities led to certain civilizations developing guns, weaponized germs, steel, other advanced technology, and highly structured governments which lead to societal dominance. Professor Diamond uses his research from traveling to different regions and archeological sites to disprove the adopted notion of why some societies have so much, and others have so little. His research resulted in Diamond concluding that there is no difference in intellect, creativity, culture, or physical advantage in certain groups of people which could explain the dominance of one society over another. Ultimately, the documentary concludes that dominance arises in certain civilizations solely based on geographic advantages which can lead to modernization. …show more content…

When civilizations have a well-organized workforce, modern technology, skills to produce crops, and begin to think of houses as homes they begin to become dominate societies. Likewise, these developments led to dominance because with modernization comes modern advances. Guns, epidemics, farming, animal domestication, storing food, and other advanced technology all are prominent roles in these particular societies becoming modern and dominant. Ultimately, the characteristics and what made these societies dominant are because they had good geographic locations, knowledge, and the key to

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