Growing Up With Divorced Parents

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One major setback, I faced was growing up with my parents being divorced. I remember the first time it happened at six years of age. I was too young to truly understand what was even happening. All I truly remember was my mother and father sitting my sister and I down at the table. They then proceeded to tell us that our father would be staying at a hotel for a while, marking the last time they would be together. This started to affect me negatively by putting a lot of traumatic stress on me. You see learning that your parents did not love each other anymore, especially at such a young age can cause an enormous amount of mental stress on an individual. I had the difficult choice of either staying with my mother or moving in with my father. …show more content…

I had a difficult time making friends. I became shy and distant with people. Eventually, my parents started noticing the changes that occurred within me. They both decided to meet and sit down to discuss with me why I was being an introvert. They explained marriages occasionally don’t work out, and that I needed to be strong for both of them. After the long discussion, I came to the conclusion that they were right, so I chose to be strong not only for them but for myself. At first It was not easy for me to move in the right direction, me adjusting was a very slow, lethargic and sometimes stagnant process. I was still trying to distance myself from people; I told myself nobody could have any idea what I could possibly going through. One day I came to the realization that I was not the only one who felt my pain, I walked by my little sister’s room and heard her crying. I asked her what was wrong she stated that it wasn’t fair that our mother and father were not together anymore. At that moment in time I realized that I had to be strong not only for myself but for my sister as well. Not long after, even though I still felt pain inside my heart, I would always walk around with a smile on my face for my

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