Growing Up Tethered By Sherry Turkle

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Society is Playing a Giant Game of Tetherball vs. Technology The advancement of technology is always at the fingertips of today’s society. Each day more people find themselves unable to stray away from it like the ball in a game of tetherball. The technology represents the pull and the people are the ball that is constantly spinning around the pull or in this case the technology. The people of today’s society revolve around technology. Are the advancements offered through technology becoming an issue? Is the technology helping us more than it is harming us? Sherry Turkle displays how our generation is becoming tethered to technology. Sherry Turkle a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author, provides an explanation of how the young people rely on technology at a concerning level in her article “Growing Up Tethered”. Turkle provides many examples of teenagers being attached to all venues of technology. Their feelings are often based from the things occured on social media or their social interactions with friends. Teenagers do most of their communications through cell phones and the resources offered on the cell phones. Our young people do very little communicating to one another face to face, each day there is less personal attractions Through Turkle’s Career she has realized …show more content…

People are either always texting, emailing, on social media, or playing virtual games. They are always connected to someone else through the venues of technology. Most of the time this is a good aspect of technology but it can also cause problems. When people are forced to be alone they struggle because it is as if they are addicted to being constantly connected to someone else. Therefore, this leads to people not being able fully concentrate on their main task. In essence, today’s society are never alone because the sources of technology allows for another person to be with you even though you are not physically with

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