Group Presentation Essay: Module 13: 13 Community College

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Group presentation essay
President Obama finally announced his college promise, emphasizing that “in America, a quality education cannot be a privilege that is reserved for a few,” and added that “certainly… nobody with that drive and discipline should be denied a college education just because they don’t have the money”. Republican Tennessee governor Bill Haslam’s announcement during his 2014 state of the state address, was in which he promised two years of community college, trade school, or any public four year university. The high school seniors of this academic year can apply for the Tennessee promise scholarship between august and November of this year, and may use the scholarship to attend any of the thirteen community colleges, twenty …show more content…

Of course it has its regulations, students are expected to maintain a GPA no lower than a 2.0, give 8 hours of community service per semester, and have a C+ average. Critics of the plan say that having a C+ is a very low grade in order to get the help. The promise would cover certificate programs, as well as courses that lead to an associate’s degree or could be transferred toward a bachelors. Students would have to be enrolled at least half time and activity work toward completing their programs. This promise will benefit students in a considerable size and it will motivate more people to go to school and to pursue a higher level of education. It would make it easier for students to go to school, it would allow them to spend money on essential school supplies like books, a lap top or other things in that nature. It will also give them a reason to go because they can no longer say that it is “too expensive”. How will the program be funded? Is another big question, but the president tends to answer this question in his 2016 budget proposal. By the end of this decade, two and three job openings will require some higher education. Governor Bill Haslam’s heard that industry vacancies were not being filled because there were

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