Grendel's Mother

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A monster is by definition a person or creature who excites horror by wickedness, cruelty, etc. Many of the characters in Beowulf could by definition be considered a monster. Grendel, Grendel's mother, the dragon all do monstrous acts that could be considered vile and evil. Even the great hero Beowulf commits to at least one of seven deadly sins himself. However at the time and place of where this book is set many things we would consider unacceptable and nearly savage where glorified and where part of the culture. They lived in a much more cruel and unforgiving age where war was a way of life. Heroes with unbelievable skill and power were looked to as gods. For they brought the money to their kingdoms and protected the well being of the commoners …show more content…

However just because she is a descendent of cain doesn't necessarily means she has evil within her own heart. Grendel and Grendel's mother are both still people which means that they weren't born with evil hearts. So Grendel's mother may have never been evil even tho she should not have condoned to the evil tasks her son committed. But it was her son and she and her son where the only ones who lived together, because they are both descendants of cain they were cast out of society. She couldn't really do anything about Grendel's acts if or if not she agreed with them because she is his mother and mothers no matter what kind of creature, monster, animal, or person mothers instinctively love and take care of their own. This is also why i think that Grendels mothers act of seeking vengeance for her son getting killed is not a monstrous act. Grendel's mother deeply loved and cared for Grendel just as any mother and was just as sad and hurt when her son was killed as any mother would be say for instance if their son got beat up at school, or was murdered in gang related violence. So i do not believe that Grendel's mother is a true monster. But there's still debate that the dragon is the true monster of Beowulf. However my disclaimer for this is that the dragon unlike Grendel and Grendel's mother is not a person it is a dragon one of the many mythical creatures that we hear of in stories such as this. But the thing that most people forget about mythical creatures like this is that they are animals they do not have feelings the same as people. So the dragon hoarding and protecting its treasure is simply instinct that is apart of his nature. Just as if you tried taking an alligator's eggs and it sees it you may no longer have an arm left. So even tho a dragon is way bigger and more dangerous than an alligator its animal instincts can not be overlooked as evil

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