Analysis Of Grendel And His Mother

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Despite her evil actions, it is evident that there is less malice in her than Grendel and she is less of a symbol of pure evil than he is. For example, her attack on Heorot is somewhat appropriate and could be considered honorable by the standards of warrior culture, as it marks an attempt to avenge one’s son’s death. In fact, the motive for her attack is similar to Beowulf’s motive for his attack on her: avenging the death of a loved one. One of the most interesting aspects of Grendel’s mother’s attachment to this vengeance-demanding code that the warriors follow is that she is depicted as not entirely alien or monstrous. Her behavior is not only comprehensible but also justified. In other ways, however, Grendel and his mother are indeed portrayed as creatures from another world. One aspect of their difference from the humans portrayed in the poem is that Grendel’s strong parental figure is his mother rather …show more content…

An interesting comparison to this quote and the one previously mentioned, “She had snatched their trophy, / Grendel’s bloodied arm […]”, is the mention of hands. This reference shows the readers that Grendel’s mother’s actions were truly out of revenge, as she could have killed anyone, but she specifically killed one of Hrothgar’s closest ‘friends’. At this point in the poem, Grendel’s mother has disrupted whatever sense of stability, peace and happiness the other characters are feeling: “Rest? What is rest? Sorrow has returned” (l. 1322). This quote truly highlights the impact of Grendel’s mother’s revenge on this poem. It is evident that the mood of this poem has completely changed after the attack and that the people of Heorot are no longer in the same state of mind as they were a couple of hours previously. This sudden withdrawal of happiness in the poem is emphasized through the repetition of the word “rest” in Hrothgar’s

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