Greek Gods High School Research Paper

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On the first day of school, Zeus, the principle of Greek Gods High School announced that he was outraged from the prior year. Prometheus, a freshmen from the all boys school had stolen fire and wonderful food for the boys attending the other high school in town. Prometheus had taken away all the glory from Greek Gods High School to give it to people who weren’t powerful and Zeus was furious. Zeus wanted all the special treatment for himself and the Gods so he had thought of revenge over the summer and had come up with a marvelous idea which was to create the first women ever. When the first bell rang all the students were shocked when they saw a girl with long blonde extensions and bright pink lipstick walk down the halls. She was the first woman created ever and every boy in town nearly fell in love with her at first sight. She didn’t tell anyone her name that day and spent most of the day with earbuds in. …show more content…

They decided to call her Pandora because of all the gifts she would receive through email. Later that night they went to her house to visit her. Pandora opened the door and invited her fellow classmates into a pale yellow room with gold trimming and a tv the size of the wall. The Gods told her that she would receive gifts through technology that night but she couldn’t open it. “What is the point if I can’t see it?” Pandora asked. “It’s the gift of mystery.” the freshmen explained to her. A little later they told her to go meet Epimetheus, Prometheus’s brother, who lived just a few minutes away. Pandora agreed and started to ride her rose gold bike down the street. When Prometheus found this out because of social media posts, he quickly called his brother and told him to not let her in since she was created by Zeus in a very panicked voice. Epimetheus did not

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