Greed In The Kite Runner

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What is life? Life is a collage that every individual has been gifted with. Unfortunately, there are people who don’t realize the significance of this endowment and treat it with disrespect. By decorating their memories with arrogant attitudes, egocentric behaviors, and cowardly acts, they are igniting their steady downfall. Guilt within the mind and a lack of self courage are often the two main components that lead to harm. In The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, Amir is displayed as a classic tragic hero to articulate how the breaking of the moral code through excessive cowardice can lead to the hero’s downfall.
Amir’s wealthy status in the city of Kabul allows him to have excessive hubris, which eventually initiates his tragic downfall. …show more content…

Despite living majority of his life with the guilt of not helping Hassan, Amir’s nemesis is yet to come. Destiny plays a huge game with Amir and reveals to him that Hassan is his illegitimate brother during his visit with Rahim Khan. Reacting with various emotions, Amir first decides to head back about to America, but in the end makes the first brave decision in his life by going back to Kabul “…to atone not just for [his] sins, but…Baba’s too” (198). Amir tries to compensate for his sin by rescuing Hassan’s son, Sohrab, from the brutality occurring in Kabul. Amir puts his entire life in jeopardy by facing the oppression in Kabul so he could make a genuine effort in eliminating his sins. In an ideal world, when one truly makes an effort to redeem themselves for their wrongdoings, they are usually gifted with forgiveness. However, in reality, Amir’s heroic act of saving Sohrab, did not free him of sorrow because he still has to live with his nemesis for the rest of his life. By taking Sohrab to America with him, Amir constantly is reminded of his hamartia by envisioning Hassan through Sohrab. This shows how the guilt from a cowardly act leads one into a lifelong feeling of

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