Grand Theft Auto V Analysis

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With video games being played more often by many ages, these games are becoming able to depict the world that these people are living in. Many games feature the modern world in them, but one in particular that is important is the game Grand Theft Auto V. GTA V is a game that has not been out for very long, but it creates a number of similarities to the modern world that people are living. Many people would consider this game to be such a parody of the real world. There are many aspects of the game, which depict almost the same things in the modern world. GTA V in particular, creates an impressive but monstrous satire on the modern life of people living now. One aspect of this game to consider is the narrative of it. Although, this is an unusual narrative compared to other games, GTA V is a combination of both embedded and enacted narratives, which includes three different narratives into one. This game is considered enacted because the player has the ability to be in complete control of the character and his actions dictated what is going to be happening next, in a free playing mode. …show more content…

In GTA V, the majority of the game remains spent outdoors. There happens to be reality TV, magazines on billboards, and social media every that the players can interact with. All of these are parodies of real life aspects of the same things. For example, in the homes of the characters, the players can watch TV and the channels also represent what is similar to MTV and other pop culture ideas that are an immense in the real world. This provides the indication of a parody of the culture of today and how it is becoming like this video game. Even in the video game people create entertainment of the culture of it, but in reality it is what they are living in, and makes them aware of how the world is

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