Gossamer Analysis

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This month I read Gossamer by Lois Lowry. It is a fictional story about strange creatures that take memories scents and sounds from little things from around a home, and proceed to then implant the happy ones into their charges while they are sleeping. Creating happy dreams for their charges. However there are other creatures called Sinisteed’s which give nightmares and torment the creatures charges. The story follows one of the creatures named Littlest One, or Littlest for short. She and her teacher Thin Elderly visit an old womans home every night and give her dreams. Until one day when the old woman takes in a angry young boy who the Sinisteeds are very interested in. Littlest is in charge of trying to protect John, the angry little boy, from the nightmares. One of the main character’s, Littlest One, is full of curiosity which helps her at times but also can put her in danger. Being so curious also angered her previous teacher, it seems that the community of creatures don't really question things and more just accept them for the way they are, kind of like the people in The Giver...

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