Good Parenting

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Good Parenting

What makes a good parent? People have always tired to find out the answer, because what makes a good parent makes a good family and what makes a good family makes a good society and finally what makes a good society makes the world we live in a good one. Actually it is family where all the social ills come from. It is family that predetermines what kind of society we will have tomorrow, because the society of tomorrow will be born to and moulded in the family of today. So if we want to find out what makes a good parent and try to change the society we'll be living in we've got to start right now. So let's start.

What makes a good parent? Many people think that it is impossible to answer this question, because what makes a good parent for one child makes a bad one for another. But I think that there are some universal things a good parent must give his child. Let's take love for example. Any child needs it, any child needs feeling of being loved. Love is something that must first and foremost come from actions, be made manifest in actions. Of course you can't do without the three magic words I Love You, but they are not enough, there must always be something that will communicate this idea to the child on the emotional level. Love takes much work. Love is being ready to go out of your way to ensure that your kids are happy. Love is being moved to spend time with your kids even when you are not feeling like it. Love is always being there for your child. Love is also setting boundaries for the good of your kids. But this is something that mustn't be overdone with, because there is a thin line between love and overprotection.

Overprotective parents risk depriving their children of the freedom they need. Free...

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...reet. Being a good parent is being a good role model. And being a good role model is being a good person. It's as simple as that. Children are more likely to learn from our actions than our words. Children are looking up to us, it's up to us what they see there and what patterns of behavior they imitate. How do we expect our children to act right if we are acting wrong? How do we expect our children to stand up for what is right if our actions suggest that standing up for what is right is not right even though we keep saying it is? So if we really want to rear our children in the right way, if we really want them to become decent people we must not only understand and say what is right we must never ever stick up for what is wrong or act wrong because there's always someone watching, there's always someone imitating, there's always someone learning from our actions.

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