Gone Girl Essay On Identity

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Imagine going to work one day and coming back home to your wife missing, the door left wide open and no evidence to give you a clue to where she is or what has happened. I am reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I am on page 216. So far, Nick has gotten the police involved and they have searched and taped off his house. He has been staying with his sister Go, and has been with his friends trying to retrace some of Amy’s steps. While reading Gone Girl, I have noticed the search for love, truth, and identity.

The search for love is between Amy and Nick. Throughout the book Amy and Nick have not been getting along like a married couple should. It all started out fine when they were first together, but when Nick started turning to alcohol …show more content…

The book “Amazing Amy” is about Amy but not totally about her. Her parents take all the bad things Amy does in real life and makes them into good life lessons in their book. Amazing Amy would always upstage the real Amy. I think this kind of put Amy in a hole. She could never be as great as the book character her parents created. Amy would act like she was impervious by “Amazing Amy” but you could tell from her diary entries she was not all about her. She was thankful for the trust fund until her parents had to talk to her about a financial, crisis they were going through (Flynn 103). Amy’s parents said that the books were selling well anymore and they needed to borrow some money from the trust fund so they could pay for their house. Nick was not all about that though. Just before her parents arrived Nick had gone shopping and purchased so very extravagant suits from the most expensive suit shop there was. Nick didn’t even hang the suits up they stay in their plastic bags on the floor where the cat could crawl all over them. Amy loaned her parents the money anyways. Amy had to thank her parents anyways for all the work they put into the book, even though Amy was not all about a fictional character upstaging her all the time. Amy didn’t even know who she was

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