Global Homogenization Of Starbucks

624 Words2 Pages

Brands from US have become symbols of modernity and freedom. It has

become the first choice of the rising middle class in India and most of the

world. Drinking coffee or wearing a costly American brand has become a

trend among the upper middle class. Suddenly a person’s life has made

American brands as the benchmark for a modern life.

While the western brands provide a measure of quality and service, they pose

a serious threat to the culture and economy.The enormous popularity of US

brands overseas can pose a threat not only to a nation’s domestic industries

but to its cultural traditions and sense of identity. In the developing world,

cultural imperialism has long been seen as the handmaiden of political

domination, another way for strong countries to take advantage of the weak.

When we speak of cultural homogenization, The Starbucks Corporation has

become the major contributor. This continued global homogenization of

culture threatens to create a "monoculture" that replaces individual,

indigenous restaurants and stores with international chains. Th...

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