Gloalization and Its Effect on Non- Western Cultures

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What is globalization and what affect does this have on Non-Western cultures? Merrim-Websters dictionary defines globalization as, “the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets”. When identifying the pieces of globalization, outsourcing may be the first thing that comes to mind. However, globalization and modernization are larger than outsourcing alone. In this paper we will look at two separate examples of native non-western cultures that have been impacted by globalization and further analyze one of these two examples. (Merriam-Webster) In 1971, the first McDonalds restaurant was opened in Japan, thus beginning a slow, but steady change in the culture of the Japanese people. Traditional Japanese culture greatly centered food with long standing rituals. Before the arrival of fast food in Japan, one of the most recognized practices was that of Obentos. Obentos is a process by which food is prepared and arranged by Japanese mothers for their school aged children. Due to the symbolism of obentos, it was much more than just a box lunch. According to Word Press, “The message surrounding the Obentō is that the world is constructed very precisely and the role of any Japanese citizen is to be carried out with similar precision”. The meal further signified the mother’s responsibility for preparing food and sustaining the children, and the child’s main duty was education. The proliferation of fast food has caused many significant changes in the Japanese culture; obesity rates have ascended from 3 percent to 10 percent since the introduction of fast food, and until the last decade the Japanese did not eat red me... ... middle of paper ... ...eption. In India, the increase in the gross domestic product was beneficial and had an overall favorable response to the influence. (Kim, 2009) Globalization is nothing new and will continue to manifest itself in non-western societies and cultures throughout the world. Some cultures accept the changes that come with globalization. Most cultures bring and find both economic and cultural growth to be the outcome of accepting globalization. However, there is always the risk that globalization comes with the possibility of destroying rituals and unique cultural practices bringing about a decline or stoppage in the progress that a society was achieving. Globalization is an unstoppable force; while we are powerless to stop it, we must be responsible when introducing change, and strive to preserve the heart of the culture being effected by globalization. (Kim, 2009)

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