Dynamics of globalization - A perspective through the lens of ordinary people -

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Globalization is not a process that started ‘‘overnight’’. It has a long history dating back from the High Middle Ages (Osterhammel& Petersson 2005: viii), but it is probably felt now more than ever before. What does the globalization process entitles? According to J. Osterhammel and N.P. Petersson, the word ‘‘globalization’’ indicates change and dynamism over time. ‘‘It refers to a process or, […] to a bundle of related processes that do not necessarily progress at the same speed or move in the same direction.’’ Since the only stable thing is change, we can refer to the process of globalization through the concept of ‘‘dynamics of globalization’’. Historians are trying to make sense of it by paying ‘‘close attention to change’’ and being ‘‘interested in the emergence of the present, in historical parallels and precedents, and in possible alternatives and paths not taken’’. (Osterhammel& Petersson 2005: vi). Another similar perspective on globalization is offered by Appadurai. He talks about the ‘‘new cultural global economy’’ as a ‘‘complex, overlapping and disjunctive’’ process. He is proposing a new theoretical framework based on the interconnectivity of five ‘‘scapes’’ (ethno, media, techno, finance and ideo) representing ‘‘imagined worlds’’ or realities characterized by irregularities and fluidity spread all over the globe. (Rata 2014: 8). Both historians and cultural theorists are interested in the present form and evolution of this dynamic process the world is experiencing. But how do people experience globalization in their everyday life? How is the dynamics of globalization experienced by those who pay no attention or interest in globalization as an economic, cultural or political phenomenon, or/and as a subject of s... ... middle of paper ... ...d of Stuart’s Hall idea of hybridity (Shani 2011: 380-396) and Appadurai’s concept of deterritorialization (Appadurai 1996: 36-40), Zaz is allowing herself to be a dreamer, to skip steps and simplify the ‘‘road’’ to the end of the globalization process, presenting the moment when the world will be as idyllic as the Garden of Eden: no borders, no nationality, no roots. Earth is becoming the human’s playground. Idealistic, going towards utopia, full of joy and faith, ‘‘On ira’’ is a proof of how ordinary people are experiencing the dynamics of globalization. While from the academic position, researchers are trying to make sense of what is happening through various theories, ordinary people allow themselves to dream, and for that they only need to take advantage of the scientific and technological developments and to believe that is their turn to write the history.

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