Girl Interrupted Analysis

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The book girl interrupted by Susanna Kaysen is a memoir of her time in the mentors back in the 1970s. During this time Susanna discusses every new thing she's learned, like the differences between this world, the one in a mental facility, in the world she is still considered normal. The most important thing Susanna learned was that only you can truly ever heal yourself. Although very vague idea, many people can agree with it through personal experience. Susanna met many different kinds of people when she went into the ward, many who were considered too far gone to ever re-enter society. Because she was surrounded by these people Susanna believes that she only got worse. She suddenly began thinking in very psychotic ways, over analyzing everything. …show more content…

At first, although not thrilled, Susanna agreed that to go along with the idea of a wedding. Ultimately the wedding never did happen and Susanna returned to the ward. While there her still boyfriend tried every method to convince her to leave the ward and stay with him. Saying things like, “she didn't belong in this place,” or, “he could help her.” In the end Susanna choose to stop seeing him because she knew that another person didn't help in the long run. One couldn't focus all their happiness on one person or thing because that thing always has a possibility of leaving. Susana was smart letting her future husband go because of her need to invest time in herself. At the end of the novel Susanna talks about how everyone in her class knew what they wanted to be when they grew up and how every single person in her graduating class went to college, except her. She felt pressured all her life to get perfect grades and this was such mental they're constantly getting told what to do and have so many good healer, never helps is in. Instead it worse and things so she only needed time for yourself. Time to discover who she really was and what she really loved, things she had never gotten before. Things that proved to be her

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