Giant Panda Essay

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The giant panda has an appetite for bamboo. A normal animal eats half the day.
That’s a full 12 out of 24 hours every single day. The panda takes in 28 pounds of bamboo to satisfy his or her daily hunger needs. Sometimes the pandas will eat birds and rodents as well.
Wild pandas, like the giant panda, live in mountainous regions in China. Pandas like the feel of the cool and wet floor of the forests in china mostly because they are cool and wet, but also because they like what food grows up there.The panda can climb as high as 13,000ft to get food for the summer season. Pandas are very skilled tree climbers and swimmers.
Giant Panda Bears have a highly developed sense of smell. Males use their sense of smell to avoid other males and to find a mate in the spring time. After finding a mate in the spring they hibernate, but the babies are born in the winter. The blind babies weigh only 5 ounces at birth and cannot crawl until they reach three months old. The newborn babies are born white, later they get their black spots on their body
There is around 1,000 wild pandas left in the world. Zoo pandas are one of most popular animal in the world. Their Order is Carnivora and their family is Ursidae, also their genus and species are Ailuropoda melanoleuca.
The giant panda, which is a black and white panda, has a body like a bear. But they have a different colors of fur, like they have black fur on their ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. The rest of the animals fur is white. Scientists do know why these bears are black and white, they say that it helps them camouflage into nature and defend them from predator. The giant pandas thick wooly coat keeps itself warm when they are in the deep forest or in a cold part...

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... Giant pandas reach breeding maturity between four and eight years old. They may be able to reproduce until about age 20. Female pandas can only have a baby once a year, in the spring. A short time of two to three days around in the sprng is the only time she is able to conceive a baby panda.
Giant pandas give birth between 95 and 160 days after mating. Although females may give birth to two young, but usually only one survives. Giant panda cubs may stay with their mom for up to two to three years before going out on their own. This means a wild female, at best, can produce young only every other year if she has twins; in her lifetime, she may successfully raise only five to eight cubs in her life. Giant pandas’ naturally slow breeding rate prevents a population from recovering quickly from illegal hunting, habitat loss, and other human-related causes of death.

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