German-Holiday Essay: German Holiday And The World

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German Holidays
Germany shares many international holidays with Europe and the world, however in itself there are many religious and national holidays celebrated across Germany either on a state level or a national level. Some of the holidays are tourist attractions, some celebrate winter crops with farmers and their families in rural areas and some have backgrounds to the milestones of German political history.
• Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige)
Germany celebrates the arrival of the three kings on the last of the 12 days of Christmas. This holiday is celebrated in parts of Germany, Switzerland and Austria. It is a superstition that children await their Christmas gifts from the arrival of the three kings on this day as corresponds to Santa Clause in the USA. The day is celebrated by three German states: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt celebrate it as a public holiday. Epiphany’s Eve is also celebrated with drinks toasted to the health of family and friends. A special beer is brewed for this purpose known as “bockbier”.
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The holiday commemorates the crucifixion of the Christ and people attend special church services on midday of Good Friday as a start of a long weekend that also includes Easter Monday. For many Christians, this day is a fasting day where it is customary to eat fish rather than meat on this day. Aside from its religious symbolization, the day also marks the start of spring season after the long winter months in

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