Geraldine Case Reflection

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Introduction This paper focuses on the Geraldine case (Dominguez, Tefera, Aronson, & NCTSN, 2012). Geraldine’s trauma occurred in the home when her father shot her mother. This paper will focus on my personal reactions to this case, how my reactions effect interactions with the people I am working with and finally self-care strategies. Personal reactions are the things that make us feel or act a certain way that others may or may not see, but we know that something has affected us these can be to good things and bad alike. I might react to winning the lottery by passing out, just the same I might get depressed if a close friend dies. These are reactions to the situations we are presented in life. This paper will also talk about the importance of self –care and what I would do, or things I could do to mitigate those biases and difficult reactions to clients and people that I am working with in a treatment team so that I am fully aware and not distracted by my personal reactions, to a case. Personal Reactions Vicarious trauma focuses on the cognitive schemas or core beliefs of the therapist and the way in which these may change as a result of empathic engagement with the client and exposure to the traumatic imagery presented by clients. This may cause a disruption in the therapist 's view …show more content…

Self-care is an important tool to prioritize, if I am working with Amerika and I start to feel burnout, or get reactions from working with her, then I cannot possibly be useful to a client. I cannot be a tool to effectively collaborate with the client away from this trauma, a few things that are important in self-care are Taking care of physical health, we need to be healthy for our clients, and to be able to have the energy to give, eat right and going to the gym or any exercise that make you feel

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