Georgia's Code Of Ethics

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The Georgia’s Code of Ethics for Educators is the gold standard for all educators employed by the state as far as legal guidelines are concerned. The essence of the code of ethics is to ensure that educators are accountable to the taxpayers (public), protect the health, safety and the overall wellbeing of students and educators as well. This code of ethics for educators consist of eleven standards that must be adhere to by all educators employed by the state of Georgia. Violation of these ethics carry consequences that is not limited to reprimand and revocation of certificates.
Listed are the eleven standards of the Georgia’s Code of Ethics for Educators accordingly: Legal Compliance, Conduct with Students, Alcohol or Drugs, Honesty, Public …show more content…

Crimes of moral turpitude include fraud, reckless behavior, putting other peoples’ life at risk unjustly, soliciting for prostitutes, selling narcotics theft and violent crimes. Educators are expected to be people of sound morals, and they are also role models for their students. The job of educating and raising future leaders should be entrusted to professionals of sound moral judgements, after all, teachers are supposed to lead by …show more content…

Personally, I do not believe in evolution theory, but I teach it without reference creationism. I am of the opinion that creationism should be taught in religious classes since most scientific views on issues is most often than not contradictory to religious teachings. Educators must understand the legal issues that surround teaching creationism in science class, this understanding can defuse tensions and legal wrangling that come with teaching creationism at the expense of evolution. For teachers that favors creationism (which I subscribe to), it is a must to separate religious belief from their duty as an

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