Genre and Narrative in Two Films: Rosemary's Baby and Frankenstein Must be Destroyed

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Genre and Narrative in Two Films: Rosemary's Baby and Frankenstein Must be Destroyed In the opening 5 mins of a film there are many clues to the genre of the film. We watched the openings to 2 films in the genre of horror and identified how we could tell they were horror. There are certain things that are in most horror films such as darkness and blood and other stereotypically ''scary'' things. The two films we watched were ''Rosemary's Baby'' and ''Frankenstein must be destroyed''. ''Frankenstein must be destroyed'' is shot in a very traditional way whereas ''Rosemary's Baby'' is very modern. In horror films there are certain clues that it is a horror film these are known as the presentational devices. These are the lighting and colour, editing, mise en scene, use of camera and sound; these all help to give effect in different ways. At the start of the clips there are the credits for the two films. In the credits for ''Frankenstein must be destroyed'' the righting is in blood red in a gothic style font. The music is low and menacing and what you would expect from a horror film. The scene is of a dark cobbled alley also a very typical horror setting. The opening to Rosemary's baby is very different, the text for the credits is all in a very girlie pink and the setting is New York city on a hot day, this seems very strange for a horror film. But the clue that it is a horror film is the music, it is contrapuntal to what you would expect as it sounds like , its of a young girl singing but it is slightly off key and sounds a bit disturbing.

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