Genetic Editing Essay

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The wonders of science fiction became reality with modern genetic technology. Genetic editing is a breakthrough in this field of science, allowing scientists to study and alter an organism’s DNA. In addition to such, they found ways to amend the genetic composition of human embryos, giving this discovery the name “designer babies.”. Discovering genetic editing techniques on human embryos sparked controversy all over the world. Despite this debate, , fixing human DNA can lead to a brighter future for the human race and the world. Genetic editing on human embryos is a vital innovation for the future of the human race because it can prevent fatal diseases, is an easy and successful procedure and can advance the world’s understanding of biology. …show more content…

Well renowned scientists looked to eugenics for many modern day scientific puzzles: “though science is yet to explain the origin of the universe but genetic engineering succeeded at making perfect genetic babies will get us closer to understand how life came into being” (APECSEC, 8, para. 8). Genetic editing shows the genetic makeup of any living organism, which can lead scientists to find astonishing answers on the origin of these genes. These discoveries can lead to a potential answer to the origin of life, which advances the knowledge of all organisms on Earth. Genetic editing is the last piece to multiple other problems as well. As animal genes are used on humans, “the same technology used to edit human genes can be used on animals. This could mean protecting a species like the Tasmanian devil, now endangered by an infectious cancer, or engineering the East Coast's chestnut trees to resist the chestnut blight that has devastated their growth” (Weintraub, 2015, para. 20). The world is currently at the sixth mass extinction, where multiple species are dying out at an uncontrollable rate. Though this should not be the first response to this situation, genetic editing could provide means to equal the tipping ecosystem, thus increasing the world’s biodiversity. Conservation should always be a first, but using genetic splitting allows for more effective results. Genetic editing can start out with embryos, and be applied to many other fields of biology and

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