The Pros And Cons Of Designer Babies

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Nowadays, our life is surrounded by technology in many different ways in order to improve our quality of life or jut to make our life easier. We can find constantly new advances and new techniques in science, one of this advances seems to be very controversial, this advance is genetic modification, and more specifically designer babies. According to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) stated that genetic modification, as well know as genetic manipulation and genetic engineering, is an organism that has been modified in some way using biotechnology technique. All the organism are made of cells, these cells have a nucleus that contain DNA (contain information like a library) and our genes (instruction books for each of us) are made of DNA (CSIRO, 2011). Knowing that, we can introduce ourselves in what is designer babies that are babies who their genes have been modified our select in order to make sure that some particular gene is present or prevent or eliminate a particular deficiency (Oxford Dictionaries,n.d.). That may give to parents more control over their children genes before they are born, and that will be done by two assisted human reproduction procedures that will modify the genes of this future persons, by Preimplantation Genetic Disorder (PGD) or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) (Madriaga, A, Bates, N.) It shouldn’t be a problem for our nowadays society to make more common this procedure, however it will have a profound impact in the society. It seems that mainly we will obtain positive things from Designer Babies, like eradicate disease or health problems, or parents will can have babies who look like in a certain way, because there are some parents may have preferences in the physic...

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...racteristics (height or temperament). In a near future it will be possible as well eliminate clutter or disease not just from the baby engineered, it will be possible eradicate this clutter or disease for future generations, in more scientific words germline engineering (improvement in reproductive cells)(Baird,S., 2007) Germline engineering has a large number of possibilities, from elimination of disease to increase the intelligence, modifications on the human longevity, increased muscle mass and much more(Baird,S., 2007). Baird (2007) stated that gremline engineering paved to the complete modification of the human race, that means a that we may can arrive to be improved in all or aspects.

In designer babies there is another important factor that we should consider, the fact that parents will be able to decide the gender of their children and how they will be.

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