Gender Segregation In Prison Essay

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Transgender individuals are also forced into prisons with different genders because their identity is not validated, even if proper medical records are documented. Forcing transgender individuals into prisons with different genders makes prisoners more likely to be physically assaulted or raped by inmates and prison staff (Lamble, 277). Gender segregation in prisons does not only make transgender inmates more susceptible to self-inflicted and outside violence, it also continues to institutionalize the gender roles which helped establish the prison industrial complex when it first began. Throughout history, prisons have had gender goals which are still present today. In many women’s prisons, they were “designed to transform ‘fallen’ women into …show more content…

However, for many children, because of the pressure to fit into specific gender roles, it is not the case. The Bully Society correlates the violence of school shootings to the pressure adolescents face to fit into a gender category. Children and teens “continue to feel forced to conform to a narrow set of gender expectations in order to be accepted” (Klein, 2), and school shootings become children’s means of conforming. The majority of school shootings are committed by males, taking place in predominately white, middle to upper class suburbs. In schools where shootings take place, one of the main parts of everyday culture is gender policing, “pressure to conform to gender expectations” (Klein, 4). Students hold more power in school by demonstrating hypermasculinity, the dominant male gender norm, through activities like sports, fighting, mistreatment of women and bragging about sexual exploits. Dominant students use power gained from their masculinity to bully, attack and taunt peers who may appear gay, less aggressive or fail to demonstrate manhood. The pressure bullied students are put under forces them to prove to their dominant peers and teachers that they are still a man, often through committing violence in the form of school

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