Gender, Parody and Discourse

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When the film genres of zombie action and buddy cop film are discussed it is within reason to assume the primary target audience is male. It is also not unreasonable to assume that the same audience probably wouldn't choose to see a film about male friendships. However, the history of films suggests that the genre of buddy films provide male audiences with just this. In the journal article “Contemporary Hollywood Masculinity and the Double-Protagonist Film” David Greven states “The 'buddy' is an extension of the cultural cliche of 'male bonding,' a situation in which men can fantasize about being released from there repressions imposed by the company of women. In film, the 'buddy' allows adventure, joking, safe community, marginalization of women, and an apparent absence of sexuality”.

The films Shaun of Dead and Hot Fuzz directed by Edgar Wright on the surface appear to be comedic genre films. However, they are not simply parodies, but rather satires of social discourses reproduced by the film genres. One of the most prevalent theme in these films is the focus on male relationsh...

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