Toxic Masculinity In Shark Tank

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It is irrefutable that media alters societal perceptions. As an audience, we are constantly being exposed to messages that influence us in minute and massive ways. With ever evolving technology, the exposure to concepts will only increase as the availability of these messages increases. The clips collected in the assignment demonstrate different aspects of masculinity from television shows: stereotypical masculinity in Parks and Recreation, Toxic Masculinity in Jersey Shore, and the fragility of masculinity in Shark Tank.
When trying to pinpoint examples of stereotypical masculinity, I almost immediately thought of Ron Swanson from the Television show Parks and Recreation. Swanson, played by well-known manly-man Nick Offerman, is a character …show more content…

Even though the show is incredibly problematic, it makes me feel better about my own issues. There are many examples of gender roles, social issues, and toxic masculinity which are prevalent throughout the entirety of the show. The men of Jersey Shore are interesting examples of hegemonic masculinity because they have invented their own meaning of masculinity while simultaneously upholding misogynistic practices. These men place a lot of value in their appearance, and often exhibit behavior that is associated with femininity. They get eyebrow waxes, work on their tans, and regularly use hair and skin products. They have altered their perception of masculinity by adding in these feminine elements, and yet reinforce traditional gender roles and expectations. While their portrayal of masculinity is slightly altered they still exhibit aspects of toxic masculinity, such as overt aggression and violence. The clip I chose to demonstrate stereotypical masculinity is from an episode where two roommates, Ron and Mike, get in an argument that quickly becomes violent. Ron feels that Mike was intentionally trying to create problems in his romantic relationship, and Mike initially tried to verbally defend himself. As Ron began throwing things, Mike became loud and erratic. This event culminated in a physical fight, but Mike was only injured because he headbutted a wall. Mike later admitted that he recognized Ron was stronger, and …show more content…

In one episode, inventors pitched the product Dude Wipes, which are just disposable wipes for men. The clip that I found related to this is an update video where the inventors state that since appearing on Shark Tank they have earned over 3 million dollars (Benzyfi, 2017). One of the most ridiculous aspects of consumerism is gendered products. While people have freedom to buy products that appeal to them, the concept of remarketing, instead of inventing or improving, a product to make it seem more masculine speaks of the problem Men have with avoiding products with any connection to femininity. The performance of masculinity is so fragile that the façade could be ruined if men bought or used anything unless it is specifically marketed towards men. Using masculine nicknames like “Dude”, and colors associated with masculinity is enough to make some individuals purchase a

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