Gender Inequality In The Twilight

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Gender Inequality Gender inequality, in my definition, is the unequal and biased treatment between two sexes. Media plays an important role in providing a glimpse of what is going on around the world, providing entertainment, and reporting current events. People tend to believe what they continuously see in media, and with time they take it as the normal way of life, the way things should be. For the same reason I believe media plays a crucial role in creating and shaping gender role. In “Taking a Bite Out of Twilight” by Carmen Siering, she has presented a tale of romance that overcomes the struggles of an overbearing love triangle between the protagonist, Bella, and her two lovers. She basically shows the female character Bella as an object …show more content…

The feminist view this series as a regressive ideology of women because it is simply copying traditional tales of love in which female’s dependence on the rescuing of her lover is romantic, rather than degrading. In traditional roles, this type of dependence represents the security that women may seek, whether financial, emotional, or physical security. The reason why anti-feminist view twilight saga as an innocent love story, because it portrays the main protagonist as needy of a male to take care of her. She even mentions that just about every chapter she needs saving from something. Even regarding sexuality, the male is the one able to control himself, while the protagonist has no self-control. According to Siering, the series end with the protagonist as a housewife and a mother, send a message to the reader to be like the protagonist Bella (441). As per anti-feminist view Meyer was more focused on creating a love story and including supernatural forces and myths and they do not analyze that females are portrayed as meek, demure and …show more content…

Women are characterized as inferior in comparison to men. For instance, she says, “The woman is rewarded for her sexuality by the man’s wealth” (459). In one ad Kilbourne explains, how a tie company advertises ties by seeing ties laid in a messed up bed, as if indicating that this brand of tie will help you get laid. This also sends out a mixed message to men that a tie will actually help them score with women. She also shows an advertisement in which a man is standing over a woman while the women is saying, “no” but laughing or possibly screaming (461). This explains how men are encouraged to not take “no” for an answer, and it’s the cause for many rapes. Kilbourne uses some of the images that degraded women, like a women being strapped down by wrist watches, a man pulling a women 's hair back aggressively, little girls in panties, a girl with the word bitch on her, and many others that show how society depicts women. These advertisements are displaying violence towards women; this violence will soon become more socially acceptable in our modern day society. In addition, advertisements that encourage women and young girls to act in a submissive, teasing manner further promotes sexual harassment and violence when

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